Tuesday, May 1, 2007

What would you do if you're not afraid?

i'll let myself fall to pieces. i would allow myself to make even more mistakes. i'll stop caring so much about what other people think.*crious i really don care!. i'd stop being so upset when things don't go as planned or if i've been offended or hurt. i'd stop letting my anger hide and cover my fears. i'd let people fail me, i'd also let myself fail from time to time, and i'd stop caring so much to know if i was right or wrong. in fact, i'd enjoy the fact that i was wrong.if i were not afraid, i'd let me BE me, and stop being defensive of who i am and i'd accept my weaknesses and be proud that i have them. i'd let people be people and allow myself to give them the benefit of the doubt. i'd believe and trust with the innocence of a child and i'd love like a child with all i've got without the need for reason nor logical explanation.

My saturday'ss ..

Meeting Zi after his 2 weeks in his camps. *whoa, i was like I CAN'T WAIT! I CAN'T WAIT! we went marathoning. had a great cheapest dinner&dine at far east. as you may know, that's like my favourite location when i'm broke :) & no, i didnt used zi's cash as i've got my own. we dont look any typical couple you've come across. & liked seriously, with him.i wash eyes for cute hot guys while he with his hot girls. bahz! we're not staring or drooling over them. that would be like, "huh, u guys mad uhh?". no no, we're not! what we did is teaming up & telling one another,"u ... she's hot!" "u ... he's hot!". & as usual it counts, we would agreed on each other opinion. liked fun larrh gitu. he would liked,"u. see that girl, HOT SIAHZ!!!". i would go,"yes yes very HOT!!" & laughed. coz i loved seeing pretty gorgeous ladies & even rate them. mcm best :) so we had fun throughout the entire day. Thanx alot Zi's! <3

Who is your real friends?

Do you know the relationship between two eyes? hmm, they blink together, they moved together, they cry together, they see things together and they sleep together BUT THEY NEVER SEE EACH OTHER.. that's what's friendship.If i called you and ask you to pick me up because sumting had happened, would you come?& If I had one day left to live my life, would you be part of my last day? If I needed a shoulder to cry on, would you give me yours? This is a test to see who is your real friend or just someone that talks to you when they are bored&I do care! Do you? I CARE!!! :))