Thursday, January 3, 2008

hello hello.
i can't believe that i had a GPA of 3.719. haha. Alhamdulilah!
Seriously, at that moment, i do alot of revision. ALOT OK!
Revise, memorise till i drop. MCM NAK GILAA EH!

&& now im happy, happy.. shalalala!
My parents are proud of me.
Cause, in the family, im the eldest plus the only girl who they think they can rely on & have a bright future ahead and they are confident that i can do well in my studies.

Thanks mama&&ayah for the moral support!
i love the both of you, mwwwahhhs!
So, as a sign of appreciation, i bought them a box of Ferror Rocher.
and, not to forget, wanna say thannkkyouuu soososo much to my sayang for being there for me when im stress in my studies.

Althought at that point of time you are faraway from me, but you see, i still make it through. HOORAY! Thankyou!
im happy that the people i love are with me when im totally in need.
God blessed you all!